June 2023

The Joys: Life with My Special Daughter

The Joys: Life with My Special Daughter

The reason I write is to help others. When I started out on this journey with my baby, I was young at age 23. I would have loved to have blogs from other parents and caregivers. The more advice, the better. That doesn't mean I would have had to use it all, and neither do you. But if even one thing helps you, then I have met my purpose. I hope all of you will use this piece of advice: focus on the joys!

Posted on 6/23/2023

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7/18/2024 | sophie
This review is so thoughtful! I never thought about this aspect of accessibility in Nintendo Swit...

4/16/2024 | José Díaz
Invaluable resource! ¡Tu guía sobre el uso de GoFundMe para gastos de movilidad ofrece consejos p...

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I played in a wc hybrid tournament, Mid South, last yr. He is an amazing player and I’m sure he i...

2/8/2024 | Elaine Cook
Great article written by a wonderful Christain man. You're such an inspiration!!!

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I enjoyed reading your article. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to play with you as my pi...

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