Reducing Plastic Use on World Environment Day

Today is an important day: World Environment Day. Today we will be reminded of the issues facing our environment and we will be encouraged to work to keep the planet safe for a better future. Here at Sunrise Medical, we strive to embrace sustainability and make it a part of our business every day, not just once a year. We believe it is important to remember that what's good for the environment is also right for business and that, both individually and collectively, we can make a positive impact when working toward a common cause.

Plastic use in manufacturing

And our Sunrise Medical associates have long been actively engaged in conserving our natural resources. Our manufacturing sites globally are ISO 14001 certified for Environmental Management and our associates participate in "green" initiatives and activities. From reducing energy consumption (electricity, natural gas, water) and embracing reuse and recycling in our manufacturing processes to installing auto-shutoff faucets and lighting and hand dryers in our office areas to providing our associates with reusable water bottles and cloth shopping bags, we believe that every choice we make is a positive step toward protecting our planet. And yet, we can always do more.

As I took time to reflect on this World Environment Day, I was reminded of a recent vacation when I was dismayed to see garbage in the water and on the beaches. I thought about the trash I have seen while hiking in our national parks and the litter that is strewn alongside our highways. And I wonder how many of us have grown oblivious to these sights.

This year's theme for both Earth Day and World Environment Day is "Beat Plastic Pollution." There will be a tremendous focus today on the startling and catastrophic toll our use of plastic is taking on the planet and, in particular, on our oceans. It should cause all of us to pause and re-examine our own actions and the choices we make. Today we will be asked to be mindful about the things we do that contribute to plastic pollution and we will be asked to pledge to make changes in our daily lives that will support our planet. Let us take that challenge and pledge to make the choices - the sometimes not-so-convenient ones - every day that will help preserve this beautiful planet.

In the words of Jane Goodall, "You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to me." I have decided I need to make a more concerted effort to live an environmentally conscious life. What will you decide?

About the Author

Roxane Cromwell

Roxane Cromwell has held several positions within Sunrise Medical during her 16 year tenure, currently serving as Senior VP of Operations for North America. She is also the Executive Chairperson for Sunrise Medical's Global Environmental Committee. When not traveling for business, Roxane splits her time between houses in Louisiana and Colorado where she lives with her husband, Rick, and her 8 year-old "fur-baby," Bella.

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Date: 6/5/2018 12:00:00 AM

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