January 2024

5 Ways to Improve Your Health As a Wheelchair User

5 Ways to Improve Your Health As a Wheelchair User

I have been a wheelchair user since I was big enough to attempt to walk, and the challenges of exercising and staying healthy while you body is fighting against you aren't easy. Although staying healthy is something that the whole world strives for, being a person who uses a wheelchair can make it even more important. Here are five ways that you can improve your health as a wheelchair user.

Posted on 1/30/2024

My Experience As a Quadriplegic Competitive Swimmer

My Experience As a Quadriplegic Competitive Swimmer

During my first semester at Florida State, I was paralyzed in a diving accident which completely severed my spinal cord at the C5 vertebrae. The whole thing is pretty ironic considering I'd been diving for swim meets since my age was still in the single digits.

Posted on 1/8/2024

Latest Comments

7/18/2024 | sophie
This review is so thoughtful! I never thought about this aspect of accessibility in Nintendo Swit...

4/16/2024 | José Díaz
Invaluable resource! ¡Tu guía sobre el uso de GoFundMe para gastos de movilidad ofrece consejos p...

2/18/2024 | Jamie Elliott
I played in a wc hybrid tournament, Mid South, last yr. He is an amazing player and I’m sure he i...

2/8/2024 | Elaine Cook
Great article written by a wonderful Christain man. You're such an inspiration!!!

2/7/2024 | Diana Weaver
I enjoyed reading your article. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to play with you as my pi...

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