December 2020

Women with Physical Disabilities & Body Image

Women with Physical Disabilities & Body Image

I am writing this article as a woman who has Cerebral Palsy and mainly uses a power wheelchair to travel around. I remember as a young girl (and even still today at times) feeling so inadequate looking at images of women in the media that didn't look like me. Our perception of self can be influenced by so many outside forces. And I know women and men and those who identify outside of gender norms (both disabled and non-disabled) can also feel inadequate when looking at some media images of different bodies. But it is important to remember that every body is unique and beautiful.

Posted on 12/15/2020

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7/18/2024 | sophie
This review is so thoughtful! I never thought about this aspect of accessibility in Nintendo Swit...

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Invaluable resource! ¡Tu guía sobre el uso de GoFundMe para gastos de movilidad ofrece consejos p...

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I played in a wc hybrid tournament, Mid South, last yr. He is an amazing player and I’m sure he i...

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Great article written by a wonderful Christain man. You're such an inspiration!!!

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I enjoyed reading your article. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to play with you as my pi...

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