Education in Motion / Webinars / Head Positioning: Tips to Finding the Right Head Support

Head Positioning: Tips to Finding the Right Head Support

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Proper head positioning is important for many reasons. From improving breathing, visual field, and heart rate to name a few; the benefits of good head positioning go far beyond aesthetics. The head support is not an accessory; it is a fundamental part of the positioning system. During this session, participants will be able to learn clinical strategies that will help them find the most functional positioning of the head in their patients. In addition, they will be introduced to a variety of head supports available in today's market, their purpose, and the clinical application for each option presented.


At the conclusion of this educational session, participants will be able to do the following:

  1. List three key steps during the clinical evaluation to accomplish the best possible head position for their clients.
  2. Identify at least three anatomical areas they can use to support the head and three areas that need to be avoided.
  3. Describe at least three different types of head supports available in the market and their clinical application.

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