EIM Blog

Technicians: Unsung Heroes

Technicians: Unsung Heroes

As field techs, we all encounter clients we aren't entirely thrilled about working with. But we also have clients who simply make our job worthwhile. Perhaps for you it was the client who tipped you when you finished working on their chair. Maybe it was a client who simply expressed their gratitude that day when no one else did. Then, occasionally you have that client who just makes you want to do the best job you can. For me, one such client's name is Mandy.


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Boarding Soon: Wheelchairs on Commercial Aircraft

Boarding Soon: Wheelchairs on Commercial Aircraft

There have been efforts to make positive changes for flying with a wheelchair with input from consumer groups like the Paralyzed Veterans of America and United Spinal, as well as several airlines, RESNA, in-cabin manufacturers, and governmental agencies.


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LUCI Enables Semi-Autonomous Robotic Wheelchair Controls

LUCI Enables Semi-Autonomous Robotic Wheelchair Controls

Dr. Argall's research combines artificial intelligence, rehabilitation robotics, and machine learning. One of the argallab's projects is to research and develop a semi-autonomous robotic wheelchair. The goal is to have robotic autonomy work in collaboration with the person in the wheelchair. For the last 10 years, Dr. Argall's team has had to cobble together various sensors, computer interfaces, and circuit boards to be able to read the information needed for the autonomy algorithms.


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The History of Wheelchair Rugby

The History of Wheelchair Rugby

In July 2022, the USA Low Point Wheelchair Rugby team competed at the World Games in Birmingham, AL. The teams that competed made history, as this event marked the first time the World Games showcased a wheelchair sport. As an international sporting event, the World Games hosts 3,600 athletes from over 100 countries that travel to compete in more than 30 unique sporting events. It was certainly an exciting time for those in the wheelchair rugby community, but where did it all begin?


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